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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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Perceptions of injectable opioid agonist treatment (iOAT) among people who regularly use opioids in Australia: findings from a cross-sectional study in three Australian cities.

Nielsen S, Sanfilippo P, Belackova V, Day C, Silins E, Lintzeris N, Bruno R, Grebely J, Lancaster K, Ali R, Bell J, Dietze P, Degenhardt L, Farrell M, Larance B

Histone modifications associated with gene expression and genome accessibility are dynamically enriched at Plasmodium falciparum regulatory sequences.

Tang J, Chisholm SA, Yeoh LM, Gilson PR, Papenfuss AT, Day KP, Petter M, Duffy MF

Building momentum for malaria vaccine research and development: key considerations.

Chitnis CE, Schellenberg D, Vekemans J, Asturias EJ, Bejon P, Collins KA, Crabb BS, Herrera S, Laufer M, Rabinovich NR, Roestenberg M, Shearley A, Tinto H, Wentworth M, O'Brien K, Alonso P

Assessing knowledge of healthcare providers concerning cardiovascular risk after hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: an Australian national survey.

Roth H, Homer CSE, Arnott C, Roberts L, Brown M, Henry A

Impact of Victoria's Stage 3 lockdown on COVID-19 case numbers.

Saul A, Scott N, Crabb BS, Majumdar SS, Coghlan B, Hellard ME

Usability, acceptability, and feasibility of the World Health Organization Labour Care Guide: A mixed-methods, multicountry evaluation.

Vogel JP, Comrie-Thomson L, Pingray V, Gadama L, Galadanci H, Goudar S, Laisser R, Lavender T, Lissauer D, Misra S, Pujar Y, Qureshi ZP, Amole T, Berrueta M, Dankishiya F, Gwako G, Homer CSE, Jobanputra J, Meja S, Nigri C, Mohaptra V, Osoti A, Roberti J, Solomon D, Suleiman M, Robbers G, Sutherland S, Vernekar S, Althabe F, Bonet M, Oladapo OT