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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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Adapting TB services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mumbai, India.

Meneguim AC, Rebello L, Das M, Ravi S, Mathur T, Mankar S, Kharate S, Tipre P, Oswal V, Iyer A, Mansoor H, Kalon S, Garone D, Ferlazzo G, Isaakidis P

Adapting TB services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mumbai, India.
Counting stillbirths and COVID 19-there has never been a more urgent time.

Homer CSE, Leisher SH, Aggarwal N, Akuze J, Babona D, Blencowe H, Bolgna J, Chawana R, Christou A, Davies-Tuck M, Dandona R, Gordijn S, Gordon A, Jan R, Korteweg F, Maswime S, Murphy MM, Quigley P, Storey C, Vallely LM, Waiswa P, Whitehead C, Zeitlin J, Flenady V

COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child Health Counting stillbirths and COVID 19-there has never been a more urgent time.
Mobile Phone Apps in Australia for Improving Pregnancy Outcomes: Systematic Search on App Stores.

Musgrave LM, Kizirian NV, Homer CSE, Gordon A

Mobile Phone Apps in Australia for Improving Pregnancy Outcomes: Systematic Search on App Stores.
Giardiasis notifications are associated with socioeconomic status in Sydney, Australia: a spatial analysis.

Mazumdar S, Fletcher-Lartey SM, Zajaczkowski P, Jalaludin B

Giardiasis notifications are associated with socioeconomic status in Sydney, Australia: a spatial analysis.
Sero-epidemiological evaluation of malaria transmission in The Gambia before and after mass drug administration.

Wu L, Mwesigwa J, Affara M, Bah M, Correa S, Hall T, Singh SK, Beeson JG, Tetteh KKA, Kleinschmidt I, D'Alessandro U, Drakeley C

Sero-epidemiological evaluation of malaria transmission in The Gambia before and after mass drug administration.
Implementation and evaluation of a quality improvement initiative to reduce late gestation stillbirths in Australia: Safer Baby Bundle study protocol.

Andrews CJ, Ellwood D, Middleton PF, Gordon A, Nicholl M, Homer CSE, Morris J, Gardener G, Coory M, Davies-Tuck M, Boyle FM, Callander E, Bauman A, Flenady VJ, Safer Baby Bundle collaborators

Implementation and evaluation of a quality improvement initiative to reduce late gestation stillbirths in Australia: Safer Baby Bundle study protocol.