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Research Articles

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Molecular approaches to Malaria 2020.

de Koning-Ward TF, Boddey JA, Fowkes FJI

Direct assessment of mental health and metabolic syndrome amongst Indonesian adolescents: a study design for a mixed-methods study sampled from school and community settings.

Azzopardi PS, Willenberg L, Wulan N, Devaera Y, Medise B, Riyanti A, Ansariadi A, Sawyer S, Wiguna T, Kaligis F, Fisher J, Tran T, Agius PA, Borschmann R, Brown A, Cini K, Clifford S, Kennedy EC, Pedrana A, Pham MD, Wake M, Zimmet P, Durrant K, Wiweko B, Luchters S

Shared Resource Laboratory Operations: Changes Made During Initial Global COVID-19 Lockdown of 2020.

Back JB, Chadick CH, Garcia Vallejo JJ, Orlowski-Oliver E, Patel R, Roe CE, Srivastava J, Walker RV

Patient-specific record linkage between emergency department and hospital admission data for a cohort of people who inject drugs: methodological considerations for frequent presenters.

Di Rico R, Nambiar D, Gabbe B, Stoové M, Dietze P

Uterotonic agents for first-line treatment of postpartum haemorrhage: a network meta-analysis.

Parry Smith WR, Papadopoulou A, Thomas E, Tobias A, Price MJ, Meher S, Alfirevic Z, Weeks AD, Hofmeyr GJ, Gülmezoglu AM, Widmer M, Oladapo OT, Vogel JP, Althabe F, Coomarasamy A, Gallos ID

Perinatal death audit and classification of stillbirths in two provinces in Papua New Guinea: A retrospective analysis.

Vallely LM, Smith R, Bolnga JW, Babona D, Riddell MA, Mengi A, Au L, Polomon C, Vogel JP, Pomat WS, Vallely AJ, Homer CSE