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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Hepatitis B virus related stigma among Chinese living in mainland China: a scoping review.

Jin D, Treloar C, Brener L

Developing a multivariate prediction model of antibody features associated with protection of malaria-infected pregnant women from placental malaria.

Aitken EH, Damelang T, Ortega-Pajares A, Alemu A, Hasang W, Saber D, Unger HW, Ome-Kaius M, Nielsen MA, Salanti A, Joe Smith J, Kent S, Hogarth PM, Wines BD, Simpson JA, Chung AW, Rogerson SJ

Malaria Maternal, Newborn + Child Health
Non-invasive plasma glycomic and metabolic biomarkers of post-treatment control of HIV.

Giron LB, Palmer CS, Liu Q, Yin X, Papasavvas E, Sharaf R, Etemad B, Damra M, Goldman AR, Tang HY, Johnston R, Mounzer K, Kostman JR, Tebas P, Landay A, Montaner LJ, Jacobson JM, Li JZ, Abdel-Mohsen M

Special Issue "Innovation and Evidence for Achieving TB Elimination in the Asia-Pacific Region".

Du Cros P, Hussain H, Viney K.

Tuberculosis (TB)
Dimeric IgA is a specific biomarker of recent SARS-CoV-2 infection

Drummer HE, Van H, Klock E, Zheng S, Wei Z, Boo I, Center RJ, Li F, Bhat P, Ffrench R, Lau JS, McMahon J, Laeyendecker O, Fernandez RE, Manabe YC, Klein SL, Quinn TC, Anderson DA.

Screening for risky drinkers among hospitalised inpatients using the AUDIT: A feasibility, point prevalence and data linkage study.

O'Brien H, Di Rico R, Dean E, Smoker G, Lloyd-Jones M, McKechnie M, Dietze PM, Doyle JS