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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Australian women's experiences of receiving maternity care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional national survey.

Wilson AN, Sweet L, Vasilevski V, Hauck Y, Wynter K, Kuliukas L, Szabo RA, Homer CSE, Bradfield Z

Preeclampsia and COVID-19: results from the INTERCOVID prospective longitudinal study

Papageorghiou AT, Deruelle P, Gunier RB, Rauch S, García-May PK, Mhatre M, Usman MA, Abd-Elsalam S, Etuk S, Simmons LE, Napolitano R, Deantoni S, Liu B, Prefumo F, Savasi V, Silva do Vale MS, Baafi E, Zainab G, Nieto R, Maiz N, Aminu MB, Cardona-Perez JA, Craik R, Winsey A, Tavchioska G, Bako B, Oros D, Rego A, Benski AC, Hassan-Hanga F, Savorani M, Giuliani F, Sentilhes L, Risso M, Takahashi K, Vecchiarelli C, Ikenoue S, Thiruvengadam R, Soto Conti CP, Ferrazzi E, Cetin I, Bizor Nachinab V, Ernawati E, Duro EA, Kholin A, Firlit ML, Easter SR, Sichitiu J, Bowale A, Casale R, Cerbo RM, Cavoretto PI, Eskenazi B, Thornton JG, Bhutta ZA, Kennedy SH, Villar J

COVID-19 Global Infectious Disease Threats Maternal, Newborn + Child Health
Uptake, barriers and correlates of influenza vaccination among people who inject drugs in Australia.

Price O, Dietze P, Sullivan SG, Salom C, Peacock A

"Like Yin and Yang": Perceptions of Methamphetamine Benefits and Consequences Among People Who Use Opioids in Rural Communities.

Baker R, Leichtling G, Hildebran C, Pinela C, Waddell EN, Sidlow C, Leahy JM, Korthuis PT

Income generation and the patterning of substance use: A gender-based analysis.

Jaffe K, Nosova E, Maher L, Hayashi K, Milloy MJ, Richardson L

Defining Preterm Birth and Stillbirth in the Western Pacific: A Systematic Review.

Connolly M, Phung L, Farrington E, Scoullar MJL, Wilson AN, Comrie-Thomson L, Homer CSE, Vogel JP