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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Anti-Gametocyte Antigen Humoral Immunity and Gametocytemia During Treatment of Uncomplicated Falciparum Malaria: A Multi-National Study.

O'Flaherty K, Chan JA, Cutts JC, Zaloumis SG, Ashley EA, Phyo AP, Drew DR, Dondorp AM, Day NP, Dhorda M, Fairhurst RM, Lim P, Amaratunga C, Pukrittayakamee S, Hien TT, Htut Y, Mayxay M, Faiz MA, Mokuolu OA, Onyamboko MA, Fanello C, Takashima E, Tsuboi T, Theisen M, Nosten F, Beeson JG, Simpson JA, White NJ, Fowkes FJI

Anti-Gametocyte Antigen Humoral Immunity and Gametocytemia During Treatment of Uncomplicated Falciparum Malaria: A Multi-National Study.
Commentary on Skulberg et al.: Naloxone administration-finding the balance.

Jauncey M, Bartlett M, Roxburgh A

Commentary on Skulberg et al.: Naloxone administration-finding the balance.
More than three times as many Indigenous Australian clients at risk from drinking could be supported if clinicians used AUDIT-C instead of unstructured assessments.

Conigrave JH, Lee KSK, Haber PS, Vnuk J, Doyle MF, Conigrave KM

More than three times as many Indigenous Australian clients at risk from drinking could be supported if clinicians used AUDIT-C instead of unstructured assessments.
The United Kingdom and the Netherlands maternity care responses to COVID-19: A comparative study.

van den Berg LMM, Balaam MC, Nowland R, Moncrieff G, Topalidou A, Thompson S, Thomson G, de Jonge A, Downe S, ASPIRE-COVID19 Research Team

COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child Health The United Kingdom and the Netherlands maternity care responses to COVID-19: A comparative study.
A profile of the Visitect® CD4 and Visitect® CD4 advanced disease for management of people living with HIV.

Pham MD, Stoove M, Crowe S, Luchters S, Anderson D

A profile of the Visitect® CD4 and Visitect® CD4 advanced disease for management of people living with HIV.
Social media's role in support networks among LGBTQ adolescents: a qualitative study.

Berger MN, Taba M, Marino JL, Lim MSC, Cooper SC, Lewis L, Albury K, Chung KSK, Bateson D, Skinner SR

Social media's role in support networks among LGBTQ adolescents: a qualitative study.