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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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"Never let a good crisis go to waste": Positives from disrupted maternity care in Australia during COVID-19.

Kluwgant D, Homer C, Dahlen H

COVID-19 "Never let a good crisis go to waste": Positives from disrupted maternity care in Australia during COVID-19.
Risk of sustained SARS-CoV-2 transmission in Queensland, Australia.

Sanz-Leon P, Stevenson NJ, Stuart RM, Abeysuriya RG, Pang JC, Lambert SB, Kerr CC, Roberts JA

COVID-19 Risk of sustained SARS-CoV-2 transmission in Queensland, Australia.
An open dataset of <i>Plasmodium vivax</i> genome variation in 1,895 worldwide samples.

MalariaGEN, Adam I, Alam MS, Alemu S, Amaratunga C, Amato R, Andrianaranjaka V, Anstey NM, Aseffa A, Ashley E, Assefa A, Auburn S, Barber BE, Barry A, Batista Pereira D, Cao J, Chau NH, Chotivanich K, Chu C, Dondorp AM, Drury E, Echeverry DF, Erko B, Espino F, Fairhurst R, Faiz A, Fernanda Villegas M, Gao Q, Golassa L, Goncalves S, Grigg MJ, Hamedi Y, Hien TT, Htut Y, Johnson KJ, Karunaweera N, Khan W, Krudsood S, Kwiatkowski DP, Lacerda M, Ley B, Lim P, Liu Y, Llanos-Cuentas A, Lon C, Lopera-Mesa T, Marfurt J, Michon P, Miotto O, Mohammed R, Mueller I, Namaik-Larp C, Newton PN, Nguyen TN, Nosten F, Noviyanti R, Pava Z, Pearson RD, Petros B, Phyo AP, Price RN, Pukrittayakamee S, Rahim AG, Randrianarivelojosia M, Rayner JC, Rumaseb A, Siegel SV, Simpson VJ, Thriemer K, Tobon-Castano A, Trimarsanto H, Urbano Ferreira M, Vélez ID, Wangchuk S, Wellems TE, White NJ, William T, Yasnot MF, Yilma D

An open dataset of <i>Plasmodium vivax</i> genome variation in 1,895 worldwide samples.
Editorial: Cellular and Molecular Basis in Parasitic Diseases Control: Research Trends.

Mu J, Cao J, Feng G, Zhang Q

Editorial: Cellular and Molecular Basis in Parasitic Diseases Control: Research Trends.
PMRT1, a <i>Plasmodium</i>-Specific Parasite Plasma Membrane Transporter, Is Essential for Asexual and Sexual Blood Stage Development.

Wichers JS, Mesén-Ramírez P, Fuchs G, Yu-Strzelczyk J, Stäcker J, von Thien H, Alder A, Henshall I, Liffner B, Nagel G, Löw C, Wilson D, Spielmann T, Gao S, Gilberger TW, Bachmann A, Strauss J

PMRT1, a <i>Plasmodium</i>-Specific Parasite Plasma Membrane Transporter, Is Essential for Asexual and Sexual Blood Stage Development.
Exploring the adoption and expression of subcultural identities among gay, bisexual, and queer-identifying men in Australia.

Franklin JD, Lyons A, Bourne A

Exploring the adoption and expression of subcultural identities among gay, bisexual, and queer-identifying men in Australia.