Genital inflammatory status and the innate immune response to contraceptive initiation.
Radzey N, Harryparsad R, Meyer B, Chen PL, Gao X, Morrison C, Taku O, Williamson AL, Mehou-Loko C, Lefebvre d'Hellencourt F, Buck G, Smit J, Strauss J, Nanda K, Ahmed K, Beksinska M, Serrano M, Bailey V, Masson L, Deese J
Preferences for HIV Testing Services and HIV Self-Testing Distribution Among Migrant Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men in Australia.
Zhang Y, Wiseman V, Applegate TL, Lourenco RA, Street DJ, Smith K, Jamil MS, Terris-Prestholt F, Fairley CK, McNulty A, Hynes A, Johnson K, Chow EPF, Bavinton BR, Grulich A, Stoove M, Holt M, Kaldor J, Guy R, Ong JJ
Global research and learning agenda for building evidence on contraceptive-induced menstrual changes for research, product development, policies, and programs.
Hoppes E, Nwachukwu C, Hennegan J, Blithe DL, Cordova-Gomez A, Critchley H, Doncel GF, Dorflinger LJ, Haddad LB, Mackenzie ACL, Maybin JA, Moley K, Nanda K, Sales Vieira C, Vwalika B, Kibira SPS, Mickler A, OlaOlorun FM, Polis CB, Sommer M, Williams KM, Lathrop E, Mahajan T, Rademacher KH, Solomon M, Wilson K, Wilson LC, Rountree L
"Never let a good crisis go to waste": Positives from disrupted maternity care in Australia during COVID-19.
Kluwgant D, Homer C, Dahlen H