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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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The Global Impact of Hepatitis B Vaccination on Hepatocellular Carcinoma.

Flores JE, Thompson AJ, Ryan M, Howell J

Hepatitis B
Assuring Bangladesh's future: non-communicable disease risk factors among the adolescents and the existing policy responses.

Biswas T, Azzopardi P, Anwar SN, de Vries TD, Encarnacion-Cruz LM, Hasan MM, Huda MM, Pervin S, Das Gupta R, Mitra DK, Rawal LB, Al Mamun A

The impact of opioid agonist treatment on hospitalisations for injecting-related diseases among an opioid dependent population: A retrospective data linkage study.

Colledge-Frisby S, Jones N, Larney S, Peacock A, Lewer D, Brothers TD, Hickman M, Farrell M, Degenhardt L

Understanding the epidemiology, clinical characteristics, knowledge and barriers to treatment and prevention of malaria among returning international laborers in northern Vietnam: a mixed-methods study.

Edgel KA, Canavati S, Le HT, Tran TH, Van Nguyen K, Nguyen TV, Nguyen NT, Tran HM, Ngo TD, Tran DT, Nguyen BTH, Tran LK, Nguyen TM, Whedbee RJ, Milgotina EI, Martin NJ

Social Media and Online Digital Technology Use Among Muslim Young People and Parents: Qualitative Focus Group Study.

Douglass CH, Borthwick A, Lim MSC, Erbas B, Eren S, Higgs P

Reaching people receiving opioid agonist therapy at community pharmacies with hepatitis C virus: an international randomised controlled trial.

Byrne CJ, Radley A, Inglis SK, Beer L, Palmer N, Duc Pham M, Allardice K, Wang H, Robinson E, Hermansson M, Semizarov D, Healy B, Doyle JS, Dillon JF