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Doctor Michelle Scoullar

Senior Research Fellow - Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health. Paediatrician.
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Current Projects
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Tools for the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (Kenya, Myanmar and Senegal) PROJECT Arrow Icon
Anastasiia Chepinska B7jvo5y3gl8 Unsplash
HMHB: The impact of nutrition and infections on health for pregnant women and young children PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Reaching zero-dose and under-immunised children in East New Britain, Papua New Guinea PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Accelerating Research and Progress in maternal And Newborn health: A Centre for Research Excellence (ARPAN CRE) PROJECT Arrow Icon
Past Projects
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Accelerating access to postnatal care and chlorhexidine in PNG PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Evaluating a highly sensitive rapid malaria diagnostic in PNG PROJECT Arrow Icon