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Doctor Michelle Scoullar

Senior Research Fellow - Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health. Paediatrician.
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Delroy Of Dadul Ward 11 230X230
Link revealed between maternal STIs and reduced birthweights in Papua New Guinea NEWS POST Arrow Icon
Long COVID Heike Trautmann Unsplash 500X500
Could antivirals reduce your risk of long COVID? Where the research is up to on prevention and treatment NEWS POST Arrow Icon
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Burnet research being presented at PNG Medical Symposium NEWS POST Arrow Icon
210518 Impact Hmhb
New STI affecting pregnant women in Papua New Guinea NEWS POST Arrow Icon
Burnet Visual Identity Thumbnail (2)
New study highlights family planning needs in PNG NEWS POST Arrow Icon
150623 Burnet 176 135X132 1
New plan for PNG immunisation NEWS POST Arrow Icon