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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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The unvirtuous cycle of discrimination affecting people with hepatitis B: a multi-country qualitative assessment of key-informant perspectives.

Freeland C, Mendola L, Cheng V, Cohen C, Wallace J

Cost-effectiveness and impact of pre-exposure prophylaxis to prevent HIV among men who have sex with men in Asia: A modelling study.

Ten Brink DC, Martin-Hughes R, Minnery ME, Osborne AJ, Schmidt HA, Dalal S, Green KE, Ramaurtarsing R, Wilson DP, Kelly SL

Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Image Feature Extraction Using a Spatially Aware Convolutional Autoencoder.

Gardner W, Winkler DA, Cutts SM, Torney SA, Pietersz GA, Muir BW, Pigram PJ

Preferences of Australian healthcare providers regarding education on long-term health after hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: a qualitative study.

Roth H, Morcos V, Roberts LM, Hanley L, Homer CSE, Henry A

Drink and drug driving education in the Northern Territory: a qualitative study illustrating issues of access and inequity.

Wright CJC, Miller M, Wallace T, Clifford S, Black O, Tari-Keresztes N, Smith J

Real-world trends in incidence of bacterial sexually transmissible infections among gay and bisexual men using HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in Australia following nationwide PrEP implementation: an analysis of sentinel surveillance data.

Traeger MW, Guy R, Asselin J, Patel P, Carter A, Wright EJ, Grulich A, McManus H, Fairley CK, Chow EPF, McNulty A, Finlayson R, Bell C, Owen L, Marshall L, Russell D, O'Donnell D, Donovan B, Hellard ME, Stoové MA, Australian Collaboration for Coordinated Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance of Sexually Transmissible Infections and Blood Borne Viruses (ACCESS) Study Group