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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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Adolescent girls' experiences of menstruation and schooling in monastic schools in Magway Region, Myanmar: A mixed-methods exploration.

Swe ZY, Mon NO, Than KK, Azzopardi PS, Kennedy EC, Davis J, Burns LJ, Hennegan J

Adolescent girls' experiences of menstruation and schooling in monastic schools in Magway Region, Myanmar: A mixed-methods exploration.
Repurposing of a human antibody-based microarray to explore conserved components of the signalome of the parasitic nematode Haemonchus contortus.

Adderley J, Wang T, Ma G, Zheng Y, Young ND, Doerig C, Gasser RB

Repurposing of a human antibody-based microarray to explore conserved components of the signalome of the parasitic nematode Haemonchus contortus.
Constructing a 'target population': A critical analysis of public health discourse on substance use among gay and bisexual men, 2000-2020.

Schroeder SE, Bourne A, Doyle JS, Hellard ME, Stoové M, Pedrana A

Constructing a 'target population': A critical analysis of public health discourse on substance use among gay and bisexual men, 2000-2020.
Family directly observed therapy for children with drug-resistant TB.

Rekart ML, Morshed T, Mulanda WK, Klieascikova J, Sitali N, Rajabzoda A, Avzamova S, Pirmahmadzoda B, Aung A, Sayfulloev M, Sleit R, Sinha A

Tuberculosis (TB) Family directly observed therapy for children with drug-resistant TB.
RNAseq of Infected Erythrocyte Surface Antigen-Encoding Genes.

Nguyen HHT, Azizan S, Yeoh LM, Tang J, Duffy MF

RNAseq of Infected Erythrocyte Surface Antigen-Encoding Genes.
Fc engineered ACE2-Fc is a potent multifunctional agent targeting SARS-CoV2.

Wines BD, Kurtovic L, Trist HM, Esparon S, Lopez E, Chappin K, Chan LJ, Mordant FL, Lee WS, Gherardin NA, Patel SK, Hartley GE, Pymm P, Cooney JP, Beeson JG, Godfrey DI, Burrell LM, van Zelm MC, Wheatley AK, Chung AW, Tham WH, Subbarao K, Kent SJ, Hogarth PM

COVID-19 Fc engineered ACE2-Fc is a potent multifunctional agent targeting SARS-CoV2.