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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Pathways and approaches for scaling-up of community-based management of acute malnutrition programs through the lens of complex adaptive systems in South Sudan.

Renzaho AMN, Dachi G, Ategbo E, Chitekwe S, Doh D

Human cellular model systems of β-thalassemia enable in-depth analysis of disease phenotype.

Daniels DE, Ferrer-Vicens I, Hawksworth J, Andrienko TN, Finnie EM, Ferguson DCJ, Oliveira ASF, Szeto JYA, Wilson MC, Frayne J

Developing Clinical Artificial Intelligence for Obstetric Ultrasound to Improve Access in Underserved Regions: Protocol for a Computer-Assisted Low-Cost Point-of-Care UltraSound (CALOPUS) Study.

Self A, Chen Q, Desiraju BKP, Dhariwal S, Gleed AD, Mishra D, Thiruvengadam R, Chandramohan V, Craik R, Wilden E, Khurana A, CALOPUS Study Group, Bhatnagar S, Papageorghiou AT, Noble JA.

Maternal, Newborn + Child Health
Effects of a liquefied petroleum gas cookstove and fuel intervention on preterm birth and gestational duration: the multi-country Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) trial.

Kirby MA, Thompson L, Toenjes A, Papageorghiou A, Craik R, Elon L, Younger A, Howards PH, Ramakrishnan U, McCracken JP, Diaz-Artiga A, Castañaza-Gonzalez A, Monroy-Alarcon L, Rose G, Mukeshimana A, Balakrishnan K, Garg SG, Underhill LJ, Johnson M, Pillarisetti A, Piedrahita R, Rosenthal J, Quinn A, Waller L, Jabbarzadeh S, Wang J, Steenland K, Naeher LP, Chang H, Checkley W, Clasen TF, Peel JL

Maternal, Newborn + Child Health
Factors affecting the use of antibiotics and antiseptics to prevent maternal infection at birth: A global mixed-methods systematic review.

Eddy KE, Zahroh RI, Bohren MA, Bonet M, Homer CSE, Vogel JP

Improving COVID-19 vaccine uptake among black populations: A systematic review of strategies.

Adeagbo M, Olukotun M, Musa S, Alaazi D, Allen U, Renzaho AMN, Sekyi-Otu A, Salami B