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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Self-determination by First Nations Australians in alcohol policy: Lessons from Mbantua/Alice Springs (Northern Territory, Australia).

Stearne AE, Lee KK, Allsop S, Shakeshaft A, Wright M

The Medicines for Malaria Venture Malaria Box contains inhibitors of protein secretion in Plasmodium falciparum blood stage parasites.

Looker O, Dans MG, Bullen HE, Sleebs BE, Crabb BS, Gilson PR

Modelling herd immunity requirements in Queensland: impact of vaccination effectiveness, hesitancy and variants of SARS-CoV-2.

Sanz-Leon P, Hamilton LHW, Raison SJ, Pan AJX, Stevenson NJ, Stuart RM, Abeysuriya RG, Kerr CC, Lambert SB, Roberts JA

Prevalence of multiple non-communicable diseases risk factors among adolescents in 140 countries: A population-based study.

Biswas T, Townsend N, Huda MM, Maravilla J, Begum T, Pervin S, Ghosh A, Mahumud RA, Islam S, Anwar N, Rifhat R, Munir K, Gupta RD, Renzaho AMN, Khusun H, Wiradnyani LAA, Radel T, Baxter J, Rawal LB, McIntyre D, Mørkrid K, Mamun A

Functional inactivation of Plasmodium falciparum glycogen synthase kinase GSK3 modulates erythrocyte invasion and blocks gametocyte maturation.

Alder A, Wilcke L, Pietsch E, von Thien H, Pazicky S, Löw C, Mesen-Ramirez P, Bachmann A, Burda PC, Kunick C, Sondermann H, Wilson D, Gilberger TW

Intact HIV Proviruses Persist in the Brain Despite Viral Suppression with ART.

Cochrane CR, Angelovich TA, Byrnes SJ, Waring E, Guanizo AC, Trollope GS, Zhou J, Vue J, Senior L, Wanicek E, Eddine JJ, Gartner MJ, Jenkins TA, Gorry PR, Brew BJ, Lewin SR, Estes JD, Roche M, Churchill MJ