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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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Chlamydia prevention and management in Australia: reducing the burden of disease.

Munari SC, Goller JL, Hellard ME, Hocking JS

Systematic evaluation of the pre-eclampsia drugs, dietary supplements and biologicals pipeline using target product profiles.

McDougall ARA, Hastie R, Goldstein M, Tuttle A, Tong S, Ammerdorffer A, Gülmezoglu AM, Vogel JP

A multinational Delphi consensus to end the COVID-19 public health threat.

Lazarus JV, Romero D, Kopka CJ, Karim SA, Abu-Raddad LJ, Almeida G, Baptista-Leite R, Barocas JA, Barreto ML, Bar-Yam Y, Bassat Q, Batista C, Bazilian M, Chiou ST, Del Rio C, Dore GJ, Gao GF, Gostin LO, Hellard M, Jimenez JL, Kang G, Lee N, Matičič M, McKee M, Nsanzimana S, Oliu-Barton M, Pradelski B, Pyzik O, Rabin K, Raina S, Rashid SF, Rathe M, Saenz R, Singh S, Trock-Hempler M, Villapol S, Yap P, Binagwaho A, Kamarulzaman A, El-Mohandes A, COVID-19 Consensus Statement Panel

Effects of prenatal exposure to maternal COVID-19 and perinatal care on neonatal outcome: results from the INTERCOVID Multinational Cohort Study.

Giuliani F, Oros D, Gunier RB, Deantoni S, Rauch S, Casale R, Nieto R, Bertino E, Rego A, Menis C, Gravett MG, Candiani M, Deruelle P, García-May PK, Mhatre M, Usman MA, Abd-Elsalam S, Etuk S, Napolitano R, Liu B, Prefumo F, Savasi V, Silva Do Vale M, Baafi E, Ariff S, Maiz N, Aminu MB, Cardona-Perez JA, Craik R, Tavchioska G, Bako B, Benski C, Hassan-Hanga F, Savorani M, Sentilhes L, Capelli MC, Takahashi K, Vecchiarelli C, Ikenoue S, Thiruvengadam R, Soto Conti CP, Cetin I, Nachinab VB, Ernawati E, Duro EA, Kholin A, Teji JS, Easter SR, Salomon LJ, Ayede AI, Cerbo RM, Agyeman-Duah J, Roggero P, Eskenazi B, Langer A, Bhutta ZA, Kennedy SH, Papageorghiou AT, Villar J

COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child Health
Individualized Risk Prediction for Improved Chronic Wound Management.

Veličković VM, Spelman T, Clark M, Probst S, Armstrong DG, Steyerberg E

Slow progress towards pneumonia control for children in low-and-middle income countries as measured by pneumonia indicators: A systematic review of the literature.

Quach A, Spence H, Nguyen C, Graham SM, von Mollendorf C, Mulholland K, Russell FM