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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Vaccination in pregnancy: The role of the midwife.

Homer CSE, Javid N, Wilton K, Bradfield Z

Favipiravir in early symptomatic COVID-19, a randomised placebo-controlled trial.

McMahon JH, Lau JSY, Coldham A, Roney J, Hagenauer M, Price S, Bryant M, Garlick J, Paterson A, Lee SJ, O'Bryan J, Hearps A, Tachedjian G, Pinskier H, Phillips C, Garrow S, Pinskier N, Melvin R, Blakeway L, Wisniewski JA, Byers S, Badoordeen GZ, Pereira S, Pragastis K, Trubiano JA, Chua KYL, Kainer M, Molton JS, Gardiner BJ, Pierce AB, Cheng A, Rogers BA, Peleg AY

The burden of chronic diseases and patients' preference for healthcare services among adult patients suffering from chronic diseases in Bangladesh.

Mahumud RA, Sultana M, Kundu S, Rahman MA, Mistry SK, Kamara JK, Kamal M, Ali MA, Hossain MG, Brooks C, Khan A, Alam K, Renzaho AMN

In vivo fluorescence imaging: success in preclinical imaging paves the way for clinical applications.

Refaat A, Yap ML, Pietersz G, Walsh APG, Zeller J, Del Rosal B, Wang X, Peter K

Long-term impact of COVID-19 on hospital visits of rural residents in Guangdong, China: A controlled interrupted time series study.

Zhong W, Yin R, Pan Y, Zhang X, Renzaho AMN, Ling L, Li X, Chen W

YArnhem: Co-designing a model of social and emotional wellbeing stepped care for young people of the north east Arnhem region: A development study protocol.

Black O, Wright CJC, Clifford S, Erwin M, Canuto K, Wakerman J, Rossingh B, Morgan J, Smith J