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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Levels of physical activity and sitting time in women with infants, toddlers and preschoolers: a population-based cross-sectional study.

Makama M, Brown WJ, Lim S, Skouteris H, Harrison CL, Joham AE, Mishra GD, Teede H, Moran LJ

Target product profiles for novel medicines to prevent and treat preeclampsia: An expert consensus.

Mcdougall AR, Tuttle A, Goldstein M, Ammerdorffer A, Gülmezoglu AM, Vogel JP

Persistence of envelopes in different CD4+ T-cell subsets in antiretroviral therapy-suppressed people with HIV.

Gartner MJ, Tumpach C, Dantanarayana A, Stern J, Zerbato JM, Chang JJ, Angelovich TA, Anderson JL, Symons J, Deeks SG, Flynn JK, Lewin SR, Churchill MJ, Gorry PR, Roche M

An accurate method for identifying recent recombinants from unaligned sequences.

Feng Q, Tiedje KE, Ruybal-Pesántez S, Tonkin-Hill G, Duffy MF, Day KP, Shim H, Chan YB

COVID-19 vaccine policy development in a sample of 44 countries - Key findings from a December 2021 survey of National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs).

Kahn AL, Steffen CA, Henaff L, MacDonald NE, Morgan C, Faden R, Olayinka F, Desai S

Exploring the Public Health and Social Implications of Future Curative Hepatitis B Interventions.

Wallace J, Richmond J, Howell J, Hajarizadeh B, Power J, Treloar C, Revill PA, Cowie B, Wang S, Stoové M, Pedrana A, Hellard M

Hepatitis B