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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Analysis of four syringe dispensing machine point-of-access data 2017-2020 in Melbourne, Australia: machine utilisation and client demographics.

Kerr P, Cossar RD, Livingston M, Jacka D, Dietze P, O'Keefe D

Cost-effectiveness of voluntary medical male circumcision for HIV prevention across sub-Saharan Africa: results from five independent models.

Bansi-Matharu L, Mudimu E, Martin-Hughes R, Hamilton M, Johnson L, Ten Brink D, Stover J, Meyer-Rath G, Kelly SL, Jamieson L, Cambiano V, Jahn A, Cowan FM, Mangenah C, Mavhu W, Chidarikire T, Toledo C, Revill P, Sundaram M, Hatzold K, Yansaneh A, Apollo T, Kalua T, Mugurungi O, Kiggundu V, Zhang S, Nyirenda R, Phillips A, Kripke K, Bershteyn A

Population heterogeneity in Plasmodium vivax relapse risk.

Stadler E, Cromer D, Mehra S, Adekunle AI, Flegg JA, Anstey NM, Watson JA, Chu CS, Mueller I, Robinson LJ, Schlub TE, Davenport MP, Khoury DS

Women with hepatitis B: how mothers with chronic hepatitis B understand and experience the prevention of mother-to-child transmission interventions in Victoria, Australia.

Yussf N, Wallace J, Perrier M, Romero N, Cowie B, Allard N

Trust and service engagement among people who inject drugs after release from prison.

Lafferty L, Schroeder S, Marshall AD, Drysdale K, Higgs P, Stoové M, Baldry E, Dietze P, Treloar C

Injecting Drug Use Justice Health
Interventions targeting healthcare providers to optimise use of caesarean section: a qualitative comparative analysis to identify important intervention features.

Zahroh RI, Kneale D, Sutcliffe K, Vazquez Corona M, Opiyo N, Homer CSE, Betrán AP, Bohren MA