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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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Methods for living guidelines: early guidance based on practical experience. Paper 5: decisions on methods for evidence synthesis and recommendation development for living guidelines.

Fraile Navarro D, Cheyne S, Hill K, McFarlane E, Morgan RL, Murad MH, Mustafa RA, Sultan S, Tunnicliffe DJ, Vogel JP, White H, Turner T

Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours surrounding preconception and pregnancy health: an Australian cross-sectional survey.

Musgrave L, Homer C, Gordon A

The cost-effectiveness of universal hepatitis B screening for reaching WHO diagnosis targets in Australia by 2030.

Xiao Y, Hellard ME, Thompson AJ, Seaman C, Howell J, Scott N

Hepatitis B
Methods for living guidelines: early guidance based on practical experience. Paper 3: selecting and prioritizing questions for living guidelines.

Cheyne S, Fraile Navarro D, Buttery AK, Chakraborty S, Crane O, Hill K, McFarlane E, Morgan RL, Mustafa RA, Poole A, Tunnicliffe D, Vogel JP, White H, Whittle S, Turner T, ALEC Methods and Processes Working Group and Collaborators

Experiences of Kinship and Connection to Family for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Young Men with Histories of Incarceration.

Walker SJ, Doyle M, Stoové M, Combo T, Wilson M

Socio-structural influences on young men's experiences of sex, pregnancy and pregnancy prevention in Papua New Guinea (Book Chapter)

Aeno H, Mitchell E, Ase S, Trumb RN, Ofi PS, Kelly-Hanku A, Bell S