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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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HIV risk perception and risk taking among people who inject drugs in Saveh, in Central Iran: findings from a national study

Armoon B, Higgs P, Bayat A-H, Bayani A, Mohammadi R, Ahounbar E

Injecting Drug Use HIV + AIDS
Padded Headgear in Junior and Youth Australian Football: Player Insights From a National Survey.

Makovec Knight J, Mitra B, McIntosh A, Clifton P, Makdissi M, Rosenfeld JV, Harcourt P, Howard TS, Willmott C

Drug type and high risk behaviors associated with health-care utilization among people who inject drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Armoon B, Bayani A, Mohammadi R, Ahounbar E, Higgs P

Injecting Drug Use
Treatment as prevention effect of direct-acting antivirals on primary hepatitis C virus incidence: Findings from a multinational cohort between 2010 and 2019.

van Santen DK, Sacks-Davis R, Stewart A, Boyd A, Young J, van der Valk M, Smit C, Rauch A, Braun DL, Jarrin I, Berenguer J, Lazarus JV, Lacombe K, Requena MB, Wittkop L, Leleux O, Salmon D, Bonnet F, Matthews G, Doyle JS, Spelman T, Klein MB, Prins M, Asselin J, Stoové MA, Hellard M, InCHEHC study group

The second COVID-19 mRNA vaccine dose enhances the capacity of Spike-specific memory B cells to bind Omicron BA.2.

Hartley GE, Edwards ESJ, Varese N, Boo I, Aui PM, Bornheimer SJ, Hogarth PM, Drummer HE, O'Hehir RE, van Zelm MC

Hidden hunger and child undernutrition in South Asia: A meta-ethnographic systematic review.

Wali N, Agho K, Renzaho AM