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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Prevention of materno-foetal transmission of hepatitis B in sub-Saharan Africa: the evidence, current practice and future challenges.

Howell J, Lemoine M, Thursz M

Global perspectives on elective induction of labor.

Vogel JP, Gülmezoglu AM, Hofmeyr GJ, Temmerman M

Glucocorticoid regulation of lung development: lessons learned from conditional GR knockout mice.

Bird AD, McDougall AR, Seow B, Hooper SB, Cole TJ

A reality check for aspirational targets to end HIV.

Wilson DP, Stoové MA, Hellard M

Paying the price in an era of HIV treatment as prevention: a retrospective study of the cost burden of HIV treatment for people living with HIV in Victoria, Australia.

Wilkinson AL, McMahon J, Cheah YS, Bradshaw CS, El-Hayek C, Stoové M.

Timing, rates, and causes of death in a large South African tuberculosis programme.

Field N, Lim MS, Murray J, Dowdeswell RJ, Glynn JR, Sonnenberg P