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Research Articles

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Trying to remember: immunological B cell memory to malaria.

Hviid L, Barfod L, Fowkes FJ

Antibodies targeting Clec9A promote strong humoral immunity without adjuvant in mice and non-human primates.

Li J, Ahmet F, Sullivan LC, Brooks AG, Kent SJ, De Rose R, Salazar AM, Reis e Sousa C, Shortman K, Lahoud MH, Heath WR, Caminschi I

Antibody-targeted vaccination to lung dendritic cells generates tissue-resident memory CD8 T cells that are highly protective against influenza virus infection.

Wakim LM, Smith J, Caminschi I, Lahoud MH, Villadangos JA

Phylogeography of var gene repertoires reveals fine-scale geospatial clustering of Plasmodium falciparum populations in a highly endemic area.

Tessema SK, Monk SL, Schultz MB, Tavul L, Reeder JC, Siba PM, Mueller I, Barry AE

Factors associated with hepatitis C virus RNA levels in early chronic infection: the InC3 study.

Hajarizadeh B, Grady B, Page K, Kim AY, McGovern BH, Cox AL, Rice TM, Sacks-Davis R, Bruneau J, Morris M, Amin J, Schinkel J, Applegate T, Maher L, Hellard M, Lloyd AR, Prins M, Geskus RB, Dore GJ, Grebely J, InC3 Study Group

ZEB2 drives immature T-cell lymphoblastic leukaemia development via enhanced tumour-initiating potential and IL-7 receptor signalling.

Goossens S, Radaelli E, Blanchet O, Durinck K, Van der Meulen J, Peirs S, Taghon T, Tremblay CS, Costa M, Farhang Ghahremani M, De Medts J, Bartunkova S, Haigh K, Schwab C, Farla N, Pieters T, Matthijssens F, Van Roy N, Best JA, Deswarte K, Bogaert P, Carmichael C, Rickard A, Suryani S, Bracken LS, Alserihi R, Canté-Barrett K, Haenebalcke L, Clappier E, Rondou P, Slowicka K, Huylebroeck D, Goldrath AW, Janzen V, McCormack MP, Lock RB, Curtis DJ, Harrison C, Berx G, Speleman F, Meijerink JP, Soulier J, Van Vlierberghe P, Haigh JJ