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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Feasibility and acceptability of orientation and mobility instructors delivering the LiFE falls prevention program to older people with vision impairment.

Keay L, Saich F, Clemson L, Middlemiss L, Johnson J, Tumanik H, Taylor J, Munro J, Borkowski E, Tinsley F

Response to the modeling analysis by Katz et al. on the impact of replacing clinic-based HIV tests with home testing among men who have sex with men in Seattle.

Conway DP, Keen P, Cunningham P, Wilson D

High numbers of circulating pigmented polymorphonuclear neutrophils as a prognostic marker for decreased birth weight during malaria in pregnancy.

Chua CL, Robinson LJ, Baiwog F, Stanisic DI, Hamilton JA, Brown GV, Rogerson SJ, Boeuf P

Artemisinin-naphthoquine versus artemether-lumefantrine for uncomplicated malaria in Papua New Guinean children: an open-label randomized trial.

Laman M, Moore BR, Benjamin JM, Yadi G, Bona C, Warrel J, Kattenberg JH, Koleala T, Manning L, Kasian B, Robinson LJ, Sambale N, Lorry L, Karl S, Davis WA, Rosanas-Urgell A, Mueller I, Siba PM, Betuela I, Davis TM

Sequential outbreaks due to a new strain of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C in northern Nigeria, 2013-14.

Funk A, Uadiale K, Kamau C, Caugant DA, Ango U, Greig J

A cross-sectional survey of the mental health needs of refugees and asylum seekers attending a refugee health clinic: a study protocol for using research to inform local service delivery.

Shawyer F, Enticott JC, Doherty AR, Block AA, Cheng IH, Wahidi S, Meadows GN