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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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‘It’s always just there in your face’: Young people’s views on porn

Walker S, Temple-Smith M, Higgs P, & Sanci L

Target cell limitation constrains chlamydial load in persistent infections: results from mathematical modelling applied to mouse genital tract infection data.

Craig AP, Rank RG, Bowlin AK, Wand H, Wilson DP

Tuberculosis as a cause or comorbidity of childhood pneumonia in tuberculosis-endemic areas: a systematic review.

Oliwa JN, Karumbi JM, Marais BJ, Madhi SA, Graham SM

"PMA sounds fun": negotiating drug discourses online.

Barratt MJ, Allen M, Lenton S

Functional and molecular characterisation of EO771.LMB tumours, a new C57BL/6-mouse-derived model of spontaneously metastatic mammary cancer.

Johnstone CN, Smith YE, Cao Y, Burrows AD, Cross RS, Ling X, Redvers RP, Doherty JP, Eckhardt BL, Natoli AL, Restall CM, Lucas E, Pearson HB, Deb S, Britt KL, Rizzitelli A, Li J, Harmey JH, Pouliot N, Anderson RL

Temporal changes in Plasmodium falciparum anti-malarial drug sensitivity in vitro and resistance-associated genetic mutations in isolates from Papua New Guinea.

Koleala T, Karl S, Laman M, Moore BR, Benjamin J, Barnadas C, Robinson LJ, Kattenberg JH, Javati S, Wong RP, Rosanas-Urgell A, Betuela I, Siba PM, Mueller I, Davis TM