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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Malaria and the mobile and migrant population in Cambodia: a population movement framework to inform strategies for malaria control and elimination.

Guyant P, Canavati SE, Chea N, Ly P, Whittaker MA, Roca-Feltrer A, Yeung S

Malaria in Pregnancy Interacts with and Alters the Angiogenic Profiles of the Placenta.

Ataíde R, Murillo O, Dombrowski JG, Souza RM, Lima FA, Lima GF, Hristov AD, Valle SC, Di Santi SM, Epiphanio S, Marinho CR

The Potential Reach of Opioid Substitution Settings to Deliver HCV Care to People Who Inject Drugs in Australia.

Butler K, Day C, Dietze P, Bruno R, Alati R, Burns L

The importance of monocytes and macrophages in HIV pathogenesis, treatment, and cure.

Campbell JH, Hearps AC, Martin GE, Williams KC, Crowe SM

Incidence and predictors of non-fatal drug overdose after release from prison among people who inject drugs in Queensland, Australia.

Winter RJ, Stoové M, Degenhardt L, Hellard ME, Spelman T, Jenkinson R, McCarthy DR, Kinner SA

Alcohol Price Policies as an Instrument of Health Equity: Differential Effects of Tax and Minimum Price Measures.

Callinan S, Room R, Dietze P