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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Hepatitis B knowledge and associated factors among people with chronic hepatitis B.

Hajarizadeh B, Wallace J, Richmond J, Ngo N, Enright C

Establishment of the Ivermectin Research for Malaria Elimination Network: updating the research agenda.

Chaccour CJ, Rabinovich NR, Slater H, Canavati SE, Bousema T, Lacerda M, Ter Kuile F, Drakeley C, Bassat Q, Foy BD, Kobylinski K

Physiologically based arousal state estimation and dynamics.

Abeysuriya RG, Rennie CJ, Robinson PA

The dire sexual health crisis among MSM in the Philippines: an exploding HIV epidemic in the absence of essential health services.

Ross AG, Ditangco RA, Belimac JG, Olveda RM, Mercado ES, Chau TN, Crowe SM

Carbohydrates in Cyberspace.

Yuriev E, Ramsland PA

Temporal trends in cardiovascular demand in EMS: Weekday versus weekend differences.

Cantwell K, Morgans A, Smith K, Livingston M, Dietze P