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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Delivery of HIV test results, post-test discussion and referral in health care settings: a review of guidance for European countries.

Bell SA, Delpech V, Casabona J, Tsereteli N, de Wit J

Targeting Antigen to Clec9A Primes Follicular Th Cell Memory Responses Capable of Robust Recall.

Kato Y, Zaid A, Davey GM, Mueller SN, Nutt SL, Zotos D, Tarlinton DM, Shortman K, Lahoud MH, Heath WR, Caminschi I

Can differences in the type, nature or amount of polysubstance use explain the increased risk of non-fatal overdose among psychologically distressed people who inject drugs?

Betts KS, McIlwraith F, Dietze P, Whittaker E, Burns L, Cogger S, Alati R

PROLIFICA: a story of West African clinical and research collaborations to target hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma in West Africa.

Howell J, Ladep NG, Nayagam S, Lemoine M, Garside DA, Crossey MME, Okeke E, Njie R, Ka MM, Taal M, Thursz MR, Taylor-Robinson SD

Response to treatment following recently acquired hepatitis C virus infection in a multicentre collaborative cohort.

Doyle JS, Deterding K, Grebely J, Wedemeyer H, Sacks-Davis R, Spelman T, Matthews G, Rice TM, Morris MD, McGovern BH, Kim AY, Bruneau J, Lloyd AR, Page K, Manns MP, Hellard ME, Dore GJ, InC3 Study Group

What is the optimal rate of caesarean section at population level? A systematic review of ecologic studies.

Betran AP, Torloni MR, Zhang J, Ye J, Mikolajczyk R, Deneux-Tharaux C, Oladapo OT, Souza JP, Tunçalp Ö, Vogel JP, Gülmezoglu AM