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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Polymorphisms in CAMKK2 may predict sensory neuropathy in African HIV patients.

Goullee H, Wadley AL, Cherry CL, Allcock RJ, Black M, Kamerman PR, Price P

Characterising dark net marketplace purchasers in a sample of regular psychostimulant users.

Van Buskirk J, Roxburgh A, Bruno R, Naicker S, Lenton S, Sutherland R, Whittaker E, Sindicich N, Matthews A, Butler K, Burns L

Risk factors for mortality during antiretroviral therapy in older populations in resource-limited settings.

O'Brien D, Spelman T, Greig J, McMahon J, Ssonko C, Casas E, Mesic A, Du Cros P, Ford N

Single Sustained Inflation followed by Ventilation Leads to Rapid Cardiorespiratory Recovery but Causes Cerebral Vascular Leakage in Asphyxiated Near-Term Lambs.

Sobotka KS, Hooper SB, Crossley KJ, Ong T, Schmölzer GM, Barton SK, McDougall AR, Miller SL, Tolcos M, Klingenberg C, Polglase GR

Understanding Concerns About Treatment-as-Prevention Among People with HIV who are not Using Antiretroviral Therapy.

Newman CE, de Wit J, Persson A, Holt M, Slavin S, Kidd MR, Post JJ, Wright E, Mao L

'A Drink That Makes You Feel Happier, Relaxed and Loving': Young People's Perceptions of Alcohol Advertising on Facebook.

Weaver ER, Wright CJ, Dietze PM, Lim MS