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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Behavioural research to inform understanding of hepatitis C resistance.

Higgs P, Dwyer R, Cogger S, Hellard M, Maher L

Application of GIS technology in public health: successes and challenges.

Fletcher-Lartey SM, Caprarelli G

Improving the identification of priority populations to increase hepatitis B testing rates, 2012.

van Gemert C, Wang J, Simmons J, Cowie B, Boyle D, Stoove M, Enright C, Hellard M

Public injecting and public amenity in an inner-city suburb of Melbourne, Australia.

Dwyer R, Power R, Denham G, Dietze P

Alcohol and Other Drugs Injecting Drug Use
Merozoite surface proteins in red blood cell invasion, immunity and vaccines against malaria.

Beeson JG, Drew DR, Boyle MJ, Feng G, Fowkes FJ, Richards JS

SimDrink: An agent-based NetLogo model of young, heavy drinkers for conducting alcohol policy experiments.

Scott N, Livingston M, Hart A, Wilson J, Moore D, Dietze P

Alcohol and Other Drugs Young People's Health