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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Heterogeneous alleles comprising G6PD deficiency trait in West Africa exert contrasting effects on two major clinical presentations of severe malaria.

Shah SS, Rockett KA, Jallow M, Sisay-Joof F, Bojang KA, Pinder M, Jeffreys A, Craik R, Hubbart C, Wellems TE, Kwiatkowski DP, MalariaGEN Consortium

Mental Health and Associated Sexual Health Behaviours in a Sample of Young People Attending a Music Festival in Melbourne, Victoria.

Carrotte ER, Vella AM, Hellard ME, Lim MS

Sexual + Reproductive Health Young People's Health
Choice of valve type and poor ventricular catheter placement: Modifiable factors associated with ventriculoperitoneal shunt failure.

Jeremiah KJ, Cherry CL, Wan KR, Toy JA, Wolfe R, Danks RA

Toxicity and in vitro activity of HIV-1 latency-reversing agents in primary CNS cells.

Gray LR, On H, Roberts E, Lu HK, Moso MA, Raison JA, Papaioannou C, Cheng WJ, Ellett AM, Jacobson JC, Purcell DF, Wesselingh SL, Gorry PR, Lewin SR, Churchill MJ

The Cambodia Research Consortium: expediting research for malaria elimination with the emergency response to artemisinin resistance framework.

Canavati SE, Lawford HL, Fatunmbi BS, Lek D, Leang R, Top Samphor N, Dondorp AM, Huy R, Kazadi WM

Exploring Gender Preferences in Farming System and Tree Species Selection: Perspectives of Smallholder Farmers in Southern Philippines.

Ureta J, Anit K, Habito CMD, Lasco RD