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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Short duration response-guided treatment is effective for most individuals with recent hepatitis C infection: the ATAHC II and DARE-C I studies.

Martinello M, Hellard M, Shaw D, Petoumenos K, Applegate T, Grebely J, Yeung B, Maire L, Iser D, Lloyd A, Thompson A, Sasadeusz J, Haber P, Dore GJ, Matthews GV

Do Menstrual Hygiene Management Interventions Improve Education and Psychosocial Outcomes for Women and Girls in Low and Middle Income Countries? A Systematic Review.

Hennegan J, Montgomery P

Maternal-foetal transfer of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax antibodies in a low transmission setting.

Charnaud SC, McGready R, Herten-Crabb A, Powell R, Guy A, Langer C, Richards JS, Gilson PR, Chotivanich K, Tsuboi T, Narum DL, Pimanpanarak M, Simpson JA, Beeson JG, Nosten F, Fowkes FJ

Projecting the epidemiological effect, cost-effectiveness and transmission of HIV drug resistance in Vietnam associated with viral load monitoring strategies.

Pham QD, Wilson DP, Nguyen TV, Do NT, Truong LX, Nguyen LT, Zhang L

Monitoring and evaluation in health and social development: Interpretive and ethnographic perspectives (eBook)

Bell S, Aggleton P

APTEC: aptamer-tethered enzyme capture as a novel rapid diagnostic test for malaria.

Dirkzwager RM, Kinghorn AB, Richards JS, Tanner JA