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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Innate Antibacterial Activity in Female Genital Tract Secretions Is Associated with Increased Risk of HIV Acquisition.

Pellett Madan R, Masson L, Tugetman J, Werner L, Grobler A, Mlisana K, Lo Y, Che D, Arnold KB, Abdool Karim SS, Passmore JA, Herold BC

Innate Antibacterial Activity in Female Genital Tract Secretions Is Associated with Increased Risk of HIV Acquisition.
Injecting buprenorphine-naloxone film: Findings from an explorative qualitative study.

White N, Flaherty I, Higgs P, Larance B, Nielsen S, Degenhardt L, Ali R, Lintzeris N

Injecting buprenorphine-naloxone film: Findings from an explorative qualitative study.
It goes both ways: a cross-sectional study of buying and selling sex among young behaviourally bisexual men in Vientiane, Laos.

Bowring AL, van Gemert C, Vongsaiya K, Hughes C, Sihavong A, Phimphachanh C, Chanlivong N, Toole M, Hellard M

HIV + AIDS Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's) It goes both ways: a cross-sectional study of buying and selling sex among young behaviourally bisexual men in Vientiane, Laos.
Estimating antiretroviral treatment coverage rates and viral suppression rates for homosexual men in Australia.

Nicole L. De La Mata, Limin Mao, John De Wit, Don Smith, Martin Holt, Garrett Prestage, David P. Wilson, Kathy Petoumenos

Global Infectious Disease Threats HIV + AIDS Estimating antiretroviral treatment coverage rates and viral suppression rates for homosexual men in Australia.
A response to Dolliver's "Evaluating drug trafficking on the Tor network".

Van Buskirk J, Roxburgh A, Naicker S, Burns L

A response to Dolliver's "Evaluating drug trafficking on the Tor network".
Challenging gender inequity through male involvement in maternal and newborn health: critical assessment of an emerging evidence base.

Comrie-Thomson L, Tokhi M, Ampt F, Portela A, Chersich M, Khanna R, Luchters S

Challenging gender inequity through male involvement in maternal and newborn health: critical assessment of an emerging evidence base.