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Research Articles

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Electrocardiographic safety of repeated monthly dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine as a candidate for mass drug administration.

Millat-Martínez P, Ila R, Laman M, Robinson L, Karunajeewa H, Abel H, Pulai K, Sanz S, Manning L, Moore B, Bassat Q, Mitjà O

Comfort Relying on HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis and Treatment as Prevention for Condomless Sex: Results of an Online Survey of Australian Gay and Bisexual Men.

Holt M, Draper BL, Pedrana AE, Wilkinson AL, Stoové M

Fc-dependent functions are redundant to efficacy of anti-HIV antibody PGT121 in macaques.

Parsons MS, Lee WS, Kristensen AB, Amarasena T, Khoury G, Wheatley AK, Reynaldi A, Wines BD, Hogarth PM, Davenport MP, Kent SJ

Brain swelling is independent of peripheral plasma cytokine levels in Malawian children with cerebral malaria.

Harawa V, Njie M, Kessler A, Choko A, Kumwenda B, Kampondeni S, Potchen M, Kim K, Jaworowski A, Taylor T, Mandala W, Seydel K, Rogerson S

Pregabalin misuse-related ambulance attendances in Victoria, 2012-2017: characteristics of patients and attendances.

Crossin R, Scott D, Arunogiri S, Smith K, Dietze PM, Lubman DI

Perinatal outcomes in twin pregnancies complicated by maternal morbidity: evidence from the WHO Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health.

Santana DS, Silveira C, Costa ML, Souza RT, Surita FG, Souza JP, Mazhar SB, Jayaratne K, Qureshi Z, Sousa MH, Vogel JP, Cecatti JG, WHO Multi-Country Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health Research Network