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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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Global, regional, and national estimates of levels of preterm birth in 2014: a systematic review and modelling analysis.

Chawanpaiboon S, Vogel JP, Moller AB, Lumbiganon P, Petzold M, Hogan D, Landoulsi S, Jampathong N, Kongwattanakul K, Laopaiboon M, Lewis C, Rattanakanokchai S, Teng DN, Thinkhamrop J, Watananirun K, Zhang J, Zhou W, Gülmezoglu AM

Global, regional, and national estimates of levels of preterm birth in 2014: a systematic review and modelling analysis.
Commentary on Vrolijk et al. (2017): The paradox of the quality control problem.

Barratt MJ, Ritter A

Commentary on Vrolijk et al. (2017): The paradox of the quality control problem.
Incarceration history and risk of HIV and hepatitis C virus acquisition among people who inject drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Stone J, Fraser H, Lim AG, Walker JG, Ward Z, MacGregor L, Trickey A, Abbott S, Strathdee SA, Abramovitz D, Maher L, Iversen J, Bruneau J, Zang G, Garfein RS, Yen YF, Azim T, Mehta SH, Milloy MJ, Hellard ME, Sacks-Davis R, Dietze PM, Aitken C, Aladashvili M, Tsertsvadze T, Mravčík V, Alary M, Roy E, Smyrnov P, Sazonova Y, Young AM, Havens JR, Hope VD, Desai M, Heinsbroek E, Hutchinson SJ, Palmateer NE, McAuley A, Platt L, Martin NK, Altice FL, Hickman M, Vickerman P

Incarceration history and risk of HIV and hepatitis C virus acquisition among people who inject drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Paritaprevir, ritonavir, ombitasvir, and dasabuvir with and without ribavirin in people with HCV genotype 1 and recent injecting drug use or receiving opioid substitution therapy.

Grebely J, Conway B, Cunningham EB, Fraser C, Moriggia A, Gane E, Stedman C, Cooper C, Castro E, Schmid P, Petoumenos K, Hajarizadeh B, Marks P, Erratt A, Dalgard O, Lacombe K, Feld JJ, Bruneau J, Daulouede JP, Powis J, Bruggmann P, Matthews GV, Kronborg I, Shaw D, Dunlop A, Hellard M, Applegate TL, Crawford S, Dore GJ, D3FEAT Study Group

Paritaprevir, ritonavir, ombitasvir, and dasabuvir with and without ribavirin in people with HCV genotype 1 and recent injecting drug use or receiving opioid substitution therapy.
Menstrual hygiene management and school absenteeism among adolescent students in Indonesia: evidence from a cross-sectional school-based survey.

Davis J, Macintyre A, Odagiri M, Suriastini W, Cordova A, Huggett C, Agius PA, Faiqoh , Budiyani AE, Quillet C, Cronin AA, Diah NM, Triwahyunto A, Luchters S, Kennedy E

Menstrual hygiene management and school absenteeism among adolescent students in Indonesia: evidence from a cross-sectional school-based survey.
Acceptability and preferences of point-of-care finger-stick whole-blood and venepuncture hepatitis C virus testing among people who inject drugs in Australia.

Bajis S, Maher L, Treloar C, Hajarizadeh B, Lamoury FMJ, Mowat Y, Schulz M, Marshall AD, Cunningham EB, Cock V, Ezard N, Gorton C, Hayllar J, Smith J, Whelan M, Martinello M, Applegate TL, Dore GJ, Grebely J, LiveRLife Study Group

Acceptability and preferences of point-of-care finger-stick whole-blood and venepuncture hepatitis C virus testing among people who inject drugs in Australia.