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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Glut1 Expression Level on Inflammatory Monocytes is Associated With Markers of Cardiovascular Disease Risk in HIV-Infected Individuals.

Anzinger JJ, Butterfield TR, Gouillou M, McCune JM, Crowe SM, Palmer CS

The future in their hands: Graduating student midwives' plans, job satisfaction and the desire to work in midwifery continuity of care.

Evans J, Taylor J, Browne J, Ferguson S, Atchan M, Maher P, Homer CS, Davis D

#Drugsforsale: An exploration of the use of social media and encrypted messaging apps to supply and access drugs.

Moyle L, Childs A, Coomber R, Barratt MJ

The overlap between miscarriage and extreme preterm birth in a limited-resource setting on the Thailand-Myanmar border: a population cohort study.

McGready R, Paw MK, Wiladphaingern J, Min AM, Carrara VI, Moore KA, Pukrittayakamee S, Nosten FH

Pharmacy-led hepatitis C treatment pathways to help ensure elimination.

Gunn J, Higgs P

Drug overdose in the ED: a record linkage study examining emergency department ICD-10 coding practices in a cohort of people who inject drugs.

Di Rico R, Nambiar D, Stoové M, Dietze P