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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Methods used in the spatial analysis of tuberculosis epidemiology: a systematic review.

Shaweno D, Karmakar M, Alene KA, Ragonnet R, Clements AC, Trauer JM, Denholm JT, McBryde ES

Methods used in the spatial analysis of tuberculosis epidemiology: a systematic review.
Comparing short versions of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) in a military cohort.

Watterson J, Gabbe B, Dietze P, Bowring A, Rosenfeld JV

Comparing short versions of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) in a military cohort.
The estimated number of potential PrEP users among gay-identifying men who have sex with men in Australia.

Zablotska IB, Gray R, Whittaker B, Holt M, Wright E, Prestage G, O'Donnell D, Grulich AE

The estimated number of potential PrEP users among gay-identifying men who have sex with men in Australia.
"My job is to get pregnant women to the hospital": a qualitative study of the role of traditional birth attendants in the distribution of misoprostol to prevent post-partum haemorrhage in two provinces in Mozambique.

Hobday K, Hulme J, Homer C, Zualo Wate P, Belton S, Prata N

"My job is to get pregnant women to the hospital": a qualitative study of the role of traditional birth attendants in the distribution of misoprostol to prevent post-partum haemorrhage in two provinces in Mozambique.
Lifetime prevalence and correlates of self-harm and suicide attempts among male prisoners with histories of injecting drug use.

Stewart AC, Cossar R, Dietze P, Armstrong G, Curtis M, Kinner SA, Ogloff JRP, Kirwan A, Stoové M

Lifetime prevalence and correlates of self-harm and suicide attempts among male prisoners with histories of injecting drug use.
Harm reduction strategies related to dosing and their relation to harms among festival attendees who use multiple drugs.

Fernández-Calderón F, Díaz-Batanero C, Barratt MJ, Palamar JJ

Harm reduction strategies related to dosing and their relation to harms among festival attendees who use multiple drugs.