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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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"I'm obviously not dying so it's not something I need to sort out today": Considering hepatitis C treatment in the era of direct acting antivirals.

Wright C, Cogger S, Hsieh K, Goutzamanis S, Hellard M, Higgs P

"I'm obviously not dying so it's not something I need to sort out today": Considering hepatitis C treatment in the era of direct acting antivirals.
Adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes associated with <i>Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma genitalium, M. hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum and U. parvum:</i> a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol.

Vallely LM, Egli-Gany D, Pomat W, Homer CS, Guy R, Wand H, Silver B, Rumbold AR, Kaldor JM, Low N, Vallely AJ

Adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes associated with <i>Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma genitalium, M. hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum and U. parvum:</i> a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol.
Patient Characteristics, Procedural and Safety Outcomes of Bariatric Surgery in England: a Retrospective Cohort Study-2006-2012.

Sun S, Borisenko O, Spelman T, Ahmed AR

Patient Characteristics, Procedural and Safety Outcomes of Bariatric Surgery in England: a Retrospective Cohort Study-2006-2012.
Loss of NF-κB1 Causes Gastric Cancer with Aberrant Inflammation and Expression of Immune Checkpoint Regulators in a STAT-1-Dependent Manner.

O'Reilly LA, Putoczki TL, Mielke LA, Low JT, Lin A, Preaudet A, Herold MJ, Yaprianto K, Tai L, Kueh A, Pacini G, Ferrero RL, Gugasyan R, Hu Y, Christie M, Wilcox S, Grumont R, Griffin MDW, O'Connor L, Smyth GK, Ernst M, Waring P, Gerondakis S, Strasser A

Loss of NF-κB1 Causes Gastric Cancer with Aberrant Inflammation and Expression of Immune Checkpoint Regulators in a STAT-1-Dependent Manner.
Brain swelling is independent of peripheral plasma cytokine levels in Malawian children with cerebral malaria.

Harawa V, Njie M, Kessler A, Choko A, Kumwenda B, Kampondeni S, Potchen M, Kim K, Jaworowski A, Taylor T, Mandala W, Seydel K, Rogerson S

Brain swelling is independent of peripheral plasma cytokine levels in Malawian children with cerebral malaria.
Comfort Relying on HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis and Treatment as Prevention for Condomless Sex: Results of an Online Survey of Australian Gay and Bisexual Men.

Holt M, Draper BL, Pedrana AE, Wilkinson AL, Stoové M

Comfort Relying on HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis and Treatment as Prevention for Condomless Sex: Results of an Online Survey of Australian Gay and Bisexual Men.