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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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The effect of a single 4CMenB vaccine booster in young people more than ten years after infant immunisation: protocol of an exploratory immunogenicity study.

Davis K, Ford K, Craik R, Galal U, Rollier CS, Pollard AJ

Maternal, Newborn + Child Health Young People's Health
Protocol for a process evaluation of a cluster randomized controlled trial of the Learning Club intervention for women's health, and infant's health and development in rural Vietnam.

Fisher J, Nguyen T, Tran TD, Tran H, Tran T, Luchters S, Hipgrave D, Hanieh S, Biggs BA

Short-course primaquine for the radical cure of Plasmodium vivax malaria: a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled non-inferiority trial.

Taylor WRJ, Thriemer K, von Seidlein L, Yuentrakul P, Assawariyathipat T, Assefa A, Auburn S, Chand K, Chau NH, Cheah PY, Dong LT, Dhorda M, Degaga TS, Devine A, Ekawati LL, Fahmi F, Hailu A, Hasanzai MA, Hien TT, Khu H, Ley B, Lubell Y, Marfurt J, Mohammad H, Moore KA, Naddim MN, Pasaribu AP, Pasaribu S, Promnarate C, Rahim AG, Sirithiranont P, Solomon H, Sudoyo H, Sutanto I, Thanh NV, Tuyet-Trinh NT, Waithira N, Woyessa A, Yamin FY, Dondorp A, Simpson JA, Baird JK, White NJ, Day NP, Price RN

Ex-vivo expression of chemokine receptors on cells surrounding cutaneous nerves in patients with HIV-associated sensory neuropathy.

Mountford J, Octaviana F, Estiasari R, Setiawan DD, Ariyanto I, Lee S, Gaff J, Chew C, Jackaman C, Kamerman P, Cherry C, Price P

Training for Tuberculosis Elimination in Indonesia: Achievements, Reflections, and Potential for Impact.

Main S, Lestari T, Triasih R, Chan G, Davidson L, Majumdar S, Santoso D, Phung S, Laukkala J, Graham S, du Cros P, Ralph A.

Tuberculosis (TB)
Inflammatory and immunometabolic consequences of gut dysfunction in HIV: Parallels with IBD and implications for reservoir persistence and non-AIDS comorbidities.

Alzahrani J, Hussain T, Simar D, Palchaudhuri R, Abdel-Mohsen M, Crowe SM, Mbogo GW, Palmer CS