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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Family planning and Afghan refugee women and men living in Melbourne, Australia: new opportunities and transcultural tensions.

Russo A, Lewis B, Ali R, Abed A, Russell G, Luchters S

Excellence in viral hepatitis elimination - Lessons from Georgia.

Averhoff F, Lazarus JV, Sergeenko D, Colombo M, Gamkrelidze A, Tsertsvadze T, Butsashvili M, Metreveli D, Sharvadze L, Hellard M, Gnes S, Gabunia T, Nasrullah M

The association between child Schistosoma spp. infections and morbidity in an irrigated rice region in Mali: A localized study.

Mutombo N, Landouré A, Man WY, Fenwick A, Dembélé R, Sacko M, Keita AD, Traoré MS, Webster JP, McLaws ML

Additional resource needs for viral hepatitis elimination through universal health coverage: projections in 67 low-income and middle-income countries, 2016-30.

Tordrup D, Hutin Y, Stenberg K, Lauer JA, Hutton DW, Toy M, Scott N, Bulterys M, Ball A, Hirnschall G

Effects of an over-the-counter lactic-acid containing intra-vaginal douching product on the vaginal microbiota.

van der Veer C, Bruisten SM, van Houdt R, Matser AA, Tachedjian G, van de Wijgert JHHM, de Vries HJC, van der Helm JJ

Point-of-care Hepatitis C virus testing and linkage to treatment in an Australian inner-city emergency department.

Hutton J, Doyle J, Zordan R, Weiland T, Cocco A, Howell J, Iser S, Snell J, Fry S, New K, Sloane R, Jarman M, Phan D, Tran S, Pedrana A, Williams B, Johnson J, Glasgow S, Thompson A