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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Self-collected compared with professional-collected swabbing in the diagnosis of influenza in symptomatic individuals: A meta-analysis and assessment of validity.

Seaman CP, Tran LTT, Cowling BJ, Sullivan SG

Assessing the information quality and usability of <i>My Health Record</i> within a health literacy framework: What's changed since 2016?

Walsh L, Hemsley B, Allan M, Dahm MR, Balandin S, Georgiou A, Higgins I, McCarthy S, Hill S

Alternative splicing is required for stage differentiation in malaria parasites.

Yeoh LM, Goodman CD, Mollard V, McHugh E, Lee VV, Sturm A, Cozijnsen A, McFadden GI, Ralph SA

Targeting malaria parasite invasion of red blood cells as an antimalarial strategy.

Burns AL, Dans MG, Balbin JM, de Koning-Ward TF, Gilson PR, Beeson JG, Boyle MJ, Wilson DW

Updated clinical practice guidelines on pregnancy care.

Homer CS, Oats J, Middleton P, Ramson J, Diplock S

Perceptions of barriers to the management of respiratory tract infections in general practice settings in Australia.

Fletcher-Lartey S, Khan R