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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Distinct Immune Responses Elicited From Cervicovaginal Epithelial Cells by Lactic Acid and Short Chain Fatty Acids Associated With Optimal and Non-optimal Vaginal Microbiota.

Delgado-Diaz DJ, Tyssen D, Hayward JA, Gugasyan R, Hearps AC, Tachedjian G

Social domains of discrimination against people who inject drugs: Links with health and wellbeing.

Couto E Cruz C, Salom C, Parsell C, Dietze P, Burns L, Alati R

TNF-Block Genotypes Influence Susceptibility to HIV-Associated Sensory Neuropathy in Indonesians and South Africans.

Gaff J, Octaviana F, Pillay P, Mbenda HGN, Ariyanto IA, Gan JA, Cherry CL, Kamerman P, Laws SM, Price P School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Science, Curtin University, Bentley 6102, Australia.

Nutrition education fit for modern health systems.

Coghlan B, Coghlan S, Wilson A

Enhancing the hepatitis B care cascade in Australia: A cost-effectiveness model.

Xiao Y, Howell J, van Gemert C, Thompson AJ, Seaman CP, McCulloch K, Scott N, Hellard ME

Harm reduction programs and policy in Australia: barriers and enablers to effective implementation.

O’Keefe D, Ritter A, Stoové M, Hughes C, Dietze P

Alcohol and Other Drugs Injecting Drug Use