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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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Choosing vaginal birth after caesarean section: Motivating factors.

Davis D, S Homer C, Clack D, Turkmani S, Foureur M

A Mobile Phone-Based Sexual and Reproductive Health Intervention for Female Sex Workers in Kenya: Development and Qualitative Study.

Ampt FH, L'Engle K, Lim MSC, Plourde KF, Mangone E, Mukanya CM, Gichangi P, Manguro G, Hellard M, Stoové M, Chersich MF, Jaoko W, Agius PA, Temmerman M, Wangari W, Luchters S

Contribution of Functional Antimalarial Immunity to Measures of Parasite Clearance in Therapeutic Efficacy Studies of Artemisinin Derivatives.

O'Flaherty K, Ataíde R, Zaloumis SG, Ashley EA, Powell R, Feng G, Reiling L, Dondorp AM, Day NP, Dhorda M, Fairhurst RM, Lim P, Amaratunga C, Pukrittayakamee S, Hien TT, Htut Y, Mayxay M, Faiz MA, Beeson JG, Nosten F, Simpson JA, White NJ, Fowkes FJI

Yield of Systematic Longitudinal Screening of Household Contacts of Pre-Extensively Drug Resistant (PreXDR) and Extensively Drug Resistant (XDR) Tuberculosis Patients in Mumbai, India.

Roma Haresh Paryani 1, Vivek Gupta 2, Pramila Singh 1, Madhur Verma 3, Sabira Sheikh 1, Reeta Yadav 1, Homa Mansoor 1, Stobdan Kalon 1, Sriram Selvaraju 4, Mrinalini Das 1, Chinmay Laxmeshwar 1, Gabriella Ferlazzo 5, Petros Isaakidis 5

Working memory load affects early affective responses to concrete and abstract words differently: Evidence from ERPs.

Perry C, Willison AT, Walker MK, Nankivell MC, Lawrence LM, Thomas A

Seeing birth in a new light: The transformational effect of exposure to homebirth for hospital-based midwives.

Coddington R, Catling C, Homer C