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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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Prevalence and risk factors associated with HIV/hepatitis B and HIV/hepatitis C co-infections among people who inject drugs in Mozambique.

Semá Baltazar C, Boothe M, Kellogg T, Ricardo P, Sathane I, Fazito E, Raymond HF, Temmerman M, Luchters S

Optimal Control Measures to Combat COVID 19 Spread in Sri Lanka: A Mathematical Model Considering the Heterogeneity of Cases.

Wickramaarachchi T, Perera S

Global Infectious Disease Threats COVID-19
A Digital Pornography Literacy Resource Co-Designed With Vulnerable Young People: Development of "The Gist".

Davis AC, Wright CJ, Murphy S, Dietze P, Temple-Smith MJ, Hellard ME, Lim MS

Accelerating the elimination of viral hepatitis: a Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology Commission.

Cooke GS, Andrieux-Meyer I, Applegate TL, Atun R, Burry JR, Cheinquer H, Dusheiko G, Feld JJ, Gore C, Griswold MG, Hamid S, Hellard ME, Hou J, Howell J, Jia J, Kravchenko N, Lazarus JV, Lemoine M, Lesi OA, Maistat L, McMahon BJ, Razavi H, Roberts T, Simmons B, Sonderup MW, Spearman CW, Taylor BE, Thomas DL, Waked I, Ward JW, Wiktor SZ, Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology Commissioners

MAM 2020: Growing Strong on the 20th Anniversary

Kaushansky A, Sibley C, McFadden G, Charman S, Doolan D, Good M, Flannery E, Healer J, Duffy M, Taylor T, Craig A, Tilley L, Gilson P

Characteristics of gay and bisexual men who rarely use HIV risk reduction strategies during condomless anal intercourse: Results from the FLUX national online cohort study.

Kolstee J, Holt M, Jin J, Hammoud MA, Degenhardt L, Maher L, Lea T, Prestage G