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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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A core outcome set for pre-eclampsia research: an international consensus development study.

Duffy J, Cairns AE, Richards-Doran D, van 't Hooft J, Gale C, Brown M, Chappell LC, Grobman WA, Fitzpatrick R, Karumanchi SA, Khalil A, Lucas DN, Magee LA, Mol BW, Stark M, Thangaratinam S, Wilson MJ, von Dadelszen P, Williamson PR, Ziebland S, McManus RJ, International Collaboration to Harmonise Outcomes for Pre-eclampsia (iHOPE)

Frequent occurrence of low-level positive autoantibodies in chronic hepatitis C.

Deshpande P, Bundell C, McKinnon E, Hellard M, Ffrench R, Wilkinson AL, Drummer H, Gaudieri S, Lucas M

The impact of Victoria's real time prescription monitoring system (SafeScript) on a cohort of people who inject drugs.

Fetene DM, Higgs P, Nielsen S, Djordjevic F, Dietze P

Patterns and correlates of prescribed and non-prescribed pregabalin use among a sample of people who inject drugs in Australia.

Sutherland R, Dietze PM, Gisev N, Bruno R, Campbell G, Memedovic S, Peacock A

Editorial: Interplay of Infection and Microbiome.

Huston WM, Tachedjian G

Ambulatory management of pre- and extensively drug resistant tuberculosis patients with imipenem delivered through port-a-cath: A mixed methods study on treatment outcomes and challenges.

Chavan VV, Dalal A, Nagaraja S, Thekkur P, Mansoor H, Meneguim A, Paryani R, Singh P, Kalon S, Das M, Ferlazzo G, Isaakidis P