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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Prevalence and correlates of simultaneous, multiple substance injection (co-injection) among people who inject drugs in Melbourne, Australia.

Palmer A, Higgs P, Scott N, Agius P, Maher L, Dietze P

Measuring universal health coverage based on an index of effective coverage of health services in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019.

GBD 2019 Universal Health Coverage Collaborators

Global research priorities for social, behavioural and community engagement interventions for maternal, newborn and child health.

Chan G, Storey JD, Das MK, Sacks E, Johri M, Kabakian-Khasholian T, Paudel D, Yoshida S, Portela A

Evaluation of the effectiveness of topical repellent distributed by village health volunteer networks against Plasmodium spp. infection in Myanmar: A stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial.

Agius PA, Cutts JC, Han Oo W, Thi A, O'Flaherty K, Zayar Aung K, Kyaw Thu H, Poe Aung P, Mon Thein M, Nyi Zaw N, Yan Min Htay W, Paing Soe A, Razook Z, Barry AE, Htike W, Devine A, Simpson JA, Crabb BS, Beeson JG, Pasricha N, Fowkes FJI

The epidemiological burden and overall distribution of chronic comorbidities in coronavirus disease-2019 among 202,005 infected patients: evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Mahumud RA, Kamara JK, Renzaho AMN

Sex is associated with the persistence of non-optimal vaginal microbiota following treatment for bacterial vaginosis: a prospective cohort study.

Ratten LK, Plummer EL, Murray GL, Danielewski J, Fairley CK, Garland SM, Hocking JS, Tachedjian G, Chow E, Bradshaw CS, Vodstrcil LA