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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Utility of ultra-sensitive qPCR to detect Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infections under different transmission intensities.

Gruenberg M, Moniz CA, Hofmann NE, Koepfli C, Robinson LJ, Nate E, Monteiro WM, de Melo GC, Kuehn A, Siqueira AM, Nguitragool W, Bassat Q, Lacerda M, Sattabongkot J, Mueller I, Felger I

Maternal and newborn health indicators in Papua New Guinea - 2008-2018.

Robbers G, Vogel JP, Mola G, Bolgna J, Homer CSE

Phylogenetic clustering networks among heterosexual migrants with new HIV diagnoses post-migration in Australia.

Sacks-Davis R, Chibo D, Peach E, Aleksic E, Crowe SM, El Hayek C, Marukutira T, Higgins N, Stoove M, Hellard M

Validation of the TREAT-B score for hepatitis B treatment eligibility in a large Asian cohort: TREAT-B improves with age.

Howell J, Anderson D, Bloom S, Lubel J, Kemp W, Williams J, Bell S, Croagh C, Demediuk B, Desmond P, Hall S, Holmes J, Hong T, Iser D, Lim L, Papaluca T, Ryan M, Visvanathan K, Xiao Y, van Gemert C, Hellard M, Thompson A

Genomic Cues From Beta-Coronaviruses and Mammalian Hosts Sheds Light on Probable Origins and Infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 Causing COVID-19.

Narh CA

Use of controlled temperature chain and compact prefilled auto-disable devices to reach 2030 hepatitis B birth dose vaccination targets in LMICs: a modelling and cost-optimisation study.

Seaman CP, Morgan C, Howell J, Xiao Y, Spearman CW, Sonderup M, Lesi O, Andersson MI, Hellard ME, Scott N