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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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In support of community-based hepatitis C treatment with triage of people at risk of cirrhosis to specialist care.

Wade AJ, Doyle JS, Draper B, Howell J, Iser D, Roberts SK, Kemp W, Thompson AJ, Hellard ME

Associations of gestational diabetes and type 2 diabetes during pregnancy with breastfeeding at hospital discharge and up to 6 months: the PANDORA study.

Longmore DK, Barr ELM, Wilson AN, Barzi F, Kirkwood M, Simmonds A, Lee IL, Hawthorne E, Van Dokkum P, Connors C, Boyle JA, Zimmet P, O'Dea K, Oats J, McIntyre HD, Brown ADH, Shaw JE, Maple-Brown LJ

Parent and child co-resident status among an Australian community-based sample of methamphetamine smokers.

Ward B, Kippen R, Reupert A, Maybery D, Agius PA, Quinn B, Jenkinson R, Hickman M, Sutton K, Goldsmith R, Dietze PM

A Summary of the Fifth Annual Virology Education HIV Microbiome Workshop.

Sherrill-Mix S, Connors K, Aldrovandi GM, Brenchley JM, Boucher C, Bushman FD, Collman RG, Dandekar S, Klatt NR, Lagenaur LA, Paredes R, Tachedjian G, Turpin JA, Landay AL, Ghosh M

Improved capture of trans and gender-diverse people diagnosed with HIV infection in Victoria following refinement to notification form.

Ryan KE, Wiggins J, Higgins N, El-Hayek C, Stoove M

Adverse childhood experiences should be priority in global response to COVID-19.

Sahle BW, Ofori-Asenso R, Renzaho AMN