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Research Articles

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Sex Discrepancies in the Protective Effect of Opioid Agonist Therapy on Incident Hepatitis C Infection.

Geddes L, Iversen J, Wand H, Esmaeili A, Tsui J, Hellard M, Dore G, Grebely J, Dietze P, Bruneau J, Prins M, Morris MD, Shoukry NH, Lloyd AR, Kim AY, Lauer G, Cox AL, Page K, Maher L, International Collaboration of Incident HIV and HCV in Injecting Cohorts (InC3) Collaborative

Lessons learned from the Amsterdam Cohort Studies among people who use drugs: a historical perspective.

van Santen DK, Coutinho RA, van den Hoek A, van Brussel G, Buster M, Prins M

Patterns of Drug and Alcohol Use and Injection Equipment Sharing Among People With Recent Injecting Drug Use or Receiving Opioid Agonist Treatment During and Following Hepatitis C Virus Treatment With Direct-acting Antiviral Therapies: An International Study.

Artenie AA, Cunningham EB, Dore GJ, Conway B, Dalgard O, Powis J, Bruggmann P, Hellard M, Cooper C, Read P, Feld JJ, Hajarizadeh B, Amin J, Lacombe K, Stedman C, Litwin AH, Marks P, Matthews GV, Quiene S, Erratt A, Bruneau J, Grebely J

Outcomes of Treatment for Hepatitis C in Primary Care, Compared to Hospital-based Care: A Randomized, Controlled Trial in People Who Inject Drugs.

Wade AJ, Doyle JS, Gane E, Stedman C, Draper B, Iser D, Roberts SK, Kemp W, Petrie D, Scott N, Higgs P, Agius PA, Roney J, Stothers L, Thompson AJ, Hellard ME

Community demand for comprehensive primary health care from malaria volunteers in South-East Myanmar: a qualitative study.

Win Han Oo , Hoban E, Gold L, Kyu Kyu Than , Thazin La , Aung Thi , Fowkes FJI

Barriers and facilitators to a healthy lifestyle in postpartum women: A systematic review of qualitative and quantitative studies in postpartum women and healthcare providers.

Makama M, Awoke MA, Skouteris H, Moran LJ, Lim S