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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Monocytes from men living with HIV exhibit heightened atherogenic potential despite long-term viral suppression with antiretroviral therapy.

Angelovich TA, Trevillyan JM, Hoy JF, Wong ME, Agius PA, Hearps AC, Jaworowski A

Baby Buddy app evaluation-effective uplift in breast feeding despite unclear mechanism.

Blair M, Downe S, Gordon A, Musgrave L, Homer C, Etherington C

Respectful language in intrapartum and newborn care.

Ravaldi C, Vannacci A, Homer C

Early neonatal death review from two provinces in Papua New Guinea: A retrospective analysis.

Vallely LM, Smith R, Laman M, Riddell MA, Mengi A, Au L, Polomon C, Vogel JP, Pomat WS, Vallely AJ, Homer CS

Incidence of HIV and HCV in people who inject drugs: a systematic and meta-analysis review protocol.

Sharhani A, Jorjoran Shushtari Z, Rahmani A, Armoon B, Noroozi M, Ahounbar E, Karimi SE, Higgs P

Risk factors and knowledge associated with high unintended pregnancy rates and low family planning use among pregnant women in Papua New Guinea.

Peach E, Morgan C, Scoullar MJL, Fowkes FJI, Kennedy E, Melepia P, Homiehombo P, Au L, Luchters S, Umbers AJ, Vallely A, Vallely LM, Kelly-Hanku A, Robinson LJ, Crabb BS, Elijah A, Siba PM, Pomat W, Beeson JG