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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Workplace intervention programmes for decreasing alcohol use in military personnel: a systematic review.

Watterson JR, Gabbe B, Rosenfeld JV, Ball H, Romero L, Dietze P

Stillbirth in Australia 1: The road to now: Two decades of stillbirth research and advocacy in Australia.

Flenady VJ, Middleton P, Wallace EM, Morris J, Gordon A, Boyle FM, Homer CS, Henry S, Brezler L, Wojcieszek AM, Davies-Tuck M, Coory M, Callander E, Kumar S, Clifton V, Leisher SH, Blencowe H, Forbes M, Sexton J, Ellwood DA

Th2-like T Follicular Helper Cells Promote Functional Antibody Production during <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i> Infection.

Chan JA, Loughland JR, de Labastida Rivera F, SheelaNair A, Andrew DW, Dooley NL, Wines BD, Amante FH, Webb L, Hogarth PM, McCarthy JS, Beeson JG, Engwerda CR, Boyle MJ

Stillbirth in Australia 2: Working together to reduce stillbirth in Australia: The Safer Baby Bundle initiative.

Andrews CJ, Ellwood DA, Gordon A, Middleton P, Homer CSE, Wallace EM, Nicholl MC, Marr C, Sketcher-Baker K, Weller M, Seeho SKM, Flenady VJ, Safer Baby Bundle collaborators

Stillbirth in Australia 5: Making respectful care after stillbirth a reality: The quest for parent-centred care.

Boyle FM, Horey D, Dean JH, Loughnan S, Ludski K, Mead J, Homer CS, de Wilde D, Morris J, Flenady VJ

Changes in HIV preexposure prophylaxis prescribing in Australian clinical services following COVID-19 restrictions.

Traeger MW, Patel P, Guy R, Hellard ME, Stoové MA, Australian Collaboration for Coordinated Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance (ACCESS)