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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Producing health information in consultation with health workers and the hepatitis B-affected communities is worthwhile.

Bennett G, Richmond J, Thompson AJ

Hepatitis B
Magneto-optical diagnosis of symptomatic malaria in Papua New Guinea.

Arndt L, Koleala T, Orbán Á, Ibam C, Lufele E, Timinao L, Lorry L, Butykai Á, Kaman P, Molnár AP, Krohns S, Nate E, Kucsera I, Orosz E, Moore B, Robinson LJ, Laman M, Kézsmárki I, Karl S

Prevalence of abnormal umbilical arterial flow on Doppler ultrasound in low-risk and unselected pregnant women: a systematic review.

Vogel JP, Vannevel V, Robbers G, Gwako G, Lavin T, Adanikin A, Hlongwane T, Pattinson RC, Qureshi ZP, Oladapo OT

Lactic acid-containing products for bacterial vaginosis and their impact on the vaginal microbiota: A systematic review.

Plummer EL, Bradshaw CS, Doyle M, Fairley CK, Murray GL, Bateson D, Masson L, Slifirski J, Tachedjian G, Vodstrcil LA

A cross sectional study of midwifery students' experiences of COVID-19: Uncertainty and expendability.

Kuliukas L, Hauck Y, Sweet L, Vasilevski V, Homer C, Wynter K, Wilson A, Szabo R, Bradfield Z

COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child Health
Outcomes with a shorter multidrug-resistant tuberculosis regimen from Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan.

du Cros P, Khamraev A, Tigay Z, Abdrasuliev T, Greig J, Cooke G, Herboczek K, Pylypenko T, Berry C, Ronnachit A, Lister D, Dietrich S, Ariti C, Safaev K, Nyang'wa BT, Parpieva N, Tillashaikhov M, Achar J.

Tuberculosis (TB)