Producing health information in consultation with health workers and the hepatitis B-affected communities is worthwhile.
Bennett G, Richmond J, Thompson AJ
Hepatitis BA cross sectional study of midwifery students' experiences of COVID-19: Uncertainty and expendability.
Kuliukas L, Hauck Y, Sweet L, Vasilevski V, Homer C, Wynter K, Wilson A, Szabo R, Bradfield Z
COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child HealthOutcomes with a shorter multidrug-resistant tuberculosis regimen from Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan.
du Cros P, Khamraev A, Tigay Z, Abdrasuliev T, Greig J, Cooke G, Herboczek K, Pylypenko T, Berry C, Ronnachit A, Lister D, Dietrich S, Ariti C, Safaev K, Nyang'wa BT, Parpieva N, Tillashaikhov M, Achar J.
Tuberculosis (TB)